Sijia Guo

Eng.D candidate

Rm 201, Med-X Research Institute
School of Biomedical Engineering
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Email: guosijia at dot cn


I am currently a Second year doctoral student in the School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, supervised by Prof. Cheng-Kung Cheng. Previously, I received my MS from Northeast Normal University in 2020, and BS from Jilin Normal University in 2017, both with a specialization in computer science.

Currently, my research interests include biomechanics, machine learning and bioinformatics in orthopedic.

Selected Publications [Google Scholar]

PsyMuKB: An Integrative De Novo Variant Knowledge Base for Developmental Disorders.
Guan Ning Lin#,*, Sijia Guo#, Xian Tan, Weidi Wang, Wei Qian, Weichen Song, Jingru Wang, Shunying Yu, Zhen Wang, Donghong Cui*, Han Wang*.
Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (GPB), 2019.

Version 2 (PsyMuKB-v2) is being planned and under development!

[paper] [code]

Honors & Awards

National scholarship for Postgraduates, 2019
National scholarship for Postgraduates, 2018

Personal Skills

© Sijia Guo | Last updated: May 2021